10 juicy facts about sex

Posted on: September 22, 2022, by :

Let’s go light this week! I offer you 10 interesting facts about sex.

The vibrator

The first vibrators appeared in 1883, and had a slightly different use than what we know today. Its inventor, Dr. Joseph Mortimer Granville, had made them for strictly medical purposes, to reduce hysteria among women in asylums.


The average man ejaculates more than 500 billion sperm in a lifetime. The amount depends on several factors, but during a single ejaculation there can be between 20 and 150 million. Interesting fact: it is said that sperm are expelled at around 45 km/h! Admit that you will think about it when you drive at this speed in the car…

anti-sex cereal

John Harvey Kellogg, the inventor of the cereal we know today, was an anti-masturbation activist. In fact, he was convinced that adding his cereal to breakfast would help decrease sexual thoughts and obsessions.

The condom in all its forms

The use of condoms dates back several millennia. He has come a long way to look like the one we know today. Several historical researches mention that a little before our era, the Romans made condoms from animal intestines. An idea that was also taken up in the 19th century. In 1844, a man named Goodyear produced rubber-based condoms, and in 1880, latex made its appearance. It was not until the 1930s that its use was really recognized.


Before 1960, in Canada, homosexuality was considered a criminal act punishable by imprisonment. Prior to 1974, the Diagnostic Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM) still considered homosexuality to be a mental illness.


Not to brag, but women have, on average, longer orgasms than men! 20 seconds of intensity versus only 6 for men. A well deserved 14 seconds…

Hard on the eyes

Some of you may have experienced a, shall we say, misdirected ejaculation. You may have noticed that it can be very painful to get semen in your eyes. This discomfort is simply due to the fact that semen contains salt and zinc, two elements that are not compatible with this part of the body.

After Love

According to a survey by electronics site retrevo.com, it seems that 36% of people under the age of 35 prefer to consult social networks rather than stay glued to the end of a sexual relationship. This is probably why we see more and more fashion like the aftersexselfie ( selfie after sex).

Support our troops

During the Second World War, several soldiers had contracted STBBIs, and this situation had cost the government billions of dollars in medical expenses. To remedy the situation, an awareness campaign was set up with a slogan as catchy as: “Don’t forget, put it on before you put it in. (Remember, put it on before you put it in.)

Orgasm, more effective than a Valium

According to several experts, during orgasm, the part of the brain devoted to fear and nervousness is entirely put to sleep. It would even seem that the orgasm is ten times superior to the effectiveness of a tranquilizer.

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